SECURE Act Update: Panel Discussion

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Centre County Bar Association
Speaker: Tom King, CFP®, CLU®, AEP®; Doug Loviscky, JD, CPA; Kevin McGarry, CPA

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The SECURE Act of 2020 fundamentally changed tax rules for individuals inheriting qualified retirement accounts. Four years later, the IRS, Congress, and financial professionals are still grappling with the Act and its subsequent amendments, seeking to provide accurate and high-quality advice to clients. To address these changes and provide up-to-date information, a panel discussion by three (3) local experts will discuss the changes contained within the Act, as well as practical planning implications for professionals rendering advice. Attendees of the 90-minute panel discussion (starting at 5:30, includes Q&A) will leave the program with a more accurate understanding of tax implications of inheriting qualified retirement accounts, as well as the latest amendments and rulings issue by Congress and the IRS—all of which is geared towards ensuring our local bar members and other estate planning professionals can effectively assist clients planning for retirement assets.


Light hors devourers and drinks sponsored by CREPC


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